Dedicated to the memory of a much loved father, grandfather and friend

John Anthony East passed away on 1st February 2021 at the age of 90. He was a generous, kind, clever and funny man, and had an incredible life full of travel, cricket, wine, gardening and much more in between. But wherever he was in the world, he always stopped at 4pm for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. 

He's survived by his five children and eight grandchildren, who will all miss him and love him forever. 

Please do share any memories, photos or thoughts here, and if you're able, donate to one of the family's three chosen charities in his honour. 


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John and I worked together for more than 15 years. I was a director of several companies where he was chairman. All benefitted from his wisdom and sense of purpose. As an executive of often challenged companies I found his calm sense of perspective was invaluable in difficult times. I remember him chairing countless meetings. He was always professional and well prepared. What stands out most is the situations, particularly early in our time working together, when he faced conflict and had to deal with intense disputes. He typically achieved his objectives, and he did so always with patience and unfailing good humour. He was by far the best boss I ever had, a major influence and a valued friend. Stephen
10th February 2021
I worked for John both at the English Tourist Board and at the charity Holiday Care of which he was Chairman. Apart from his being very supportive, for me his primary qualities in a work context were his diplomacy and political antennae - indeed I always thought he would have made an excellent UK Ambassador or a Permanent Secretary in the Civil Service! By way of a compliment, I should also say that he was an extremely good delegator - indeed I was minded to say to him once that he off-loaded stres better than anybody I knew! While John was a reserved man who didn't give too much away of a personal nature, I got to know him much better when we linked up after my wife and I moved to Horsham in 1994. He became a trusted friend as over the ensuing years we went walking in the Sussex countryside, visited numerous NT properties, lunched in some excellent pubs and had coffee or cream teas in country house hotels. My wife Lin and I also entertained him to dinner at our house on a number of occasions, which were greatly enhanced by the excellent wine he always brought. He was a fascinating man and we spent many happy hours talking about politics (though I never did discover his leanings in that respect!), cricket, which he played to good club standard when growing up in Bromley, and in particular his National Service. The latter took him to West Germany where as I recall his platoon occasionally took tea with their Russian counterparts, when they weren't eavesdropping on each other across the border! He admitted to me that he was a somewhat green Lieutenant, who basically did what his regular army Sergeant-Major suggested to him behind the scenes! We also shared a love of reading history books about World Wars I and II and regularly swapped tomes on the subject. With his health failing over the last couple of years I took pleasure in visiting him at home to continue our always stimulating discussions. I shall miss his company very much.
3rd February 2021
Thank you for setting up this memorial to John. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Parkinson's UK on 02/02/2021
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